

“There was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy. They say he wandered very far, very far, over land and sea. A little shy, and sad of eye… But very wise, very wise was he… Until one day, one lucky day he passed my way. And while we talked of many things, fools and kings, this he said to me: ‘The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return’.” (Nat King Cole)


My name is Thatiana Terra. “Terra” in Portuguese means “Earth”.

Almost 4 years ago I decided to leave Brazil towards Europe on a truth-seeking journey, both internally and externally. Suddenly I saw myself on an unexpected and constant process of learning. The line between the normal and the strange has blurred a bit, I am more patient, life is calmer and time here is measured differently. The word “routine” is less heavy now, material possessions don’t mean happiness and anything seems possible. Earth’s definitely looking different. I am different.

“Never clip my wings” is the slogan life gave to me, even before I knew I had such big wings.

Ah, and sometimes I photograph.

© Thatiana Terra  – All rights reserved

All material contained within this blog, whether photographic or written is subject to copyright. Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without prior approval and permission granted by the author, is strictly prohibited.  Excerpts and links to photography may be used, provided that © Thatiana Terra is credited, such that it directly refers to and reflects the original source and material content.

230 thoughts on “About

  1. You are far away from home, too! Nice to meet you cyberspace. Good luck in Lisbon and with your Masters. Lovely blog! 🙂

    1. Wow! Good to hear that! I wish you the BEST LUCK EVER to your dream program 😀 Make the most of it, and if you need some help, turn your blog into a daily pill for memory. It works 😀 Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Nice blog you have here, I enjoyed browsing through the photos you took, what an amazing 10 months you’ve had so far!

  3. I wasn’t one of those that wanted to leave the country to study either, but I’m glad I did. Europe is so convenient to travel in, see new things…
    Great blog and AMAZING pictures! I’m doing my masters in Italy too… Maybe we’ll bump into each other in real life someday 😉

    1. It’s so nice to see that there’s another person in this world with the same story. I thought I was the only crazy girl leaving my country without actually wanting it SO HARD. And sometimes I feel bad, because I know that some people struggle the whole life to get a chance like that, and for us it just came naturally 😀 We are lucky girls! Where are you leaving in Italy? Thank you A LOT for stopping by!

    1. Wow Kaval, now you’ve got me speechless! I really appreciated being chosen as the blog of the week! And I’m soooo happy to deserve it 🙂 Thank you a lot, especialy for the amazing description you made about my blog 🙂 Thank you thank you thank you!

      1. hehe you’re most welcome Thatiana. Its a pleasure to come across your blog and you as well. I really loved you keeping huge images on your blog with nice simple description. I am sure more bloggers would like it as well. God bless! Stay happy ! Keep clicking 🙂

    1. Wow, thank you very much! It’s so good to have these kind of compliments from someone that also do an amazing job! I love your blog so much! And Portuguese is a beautiful language in my opinion 😉 Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Hi Thatiana! Look beautiful and so are your photographs. Thanks a lot for dropping by my site. Hope you enjoy some travel reads. All the best for your masters as well as travel around Europe.

  5. Hi Thatiana, what camera equipment do you use? I am trying to decide between a DSLR and lens upgrade or getting one of the smaller but versatile cameras useful for travelers. Cheers, Kan

    1. Hey! Thanks for stopping by here 😉 I have a really basic camera (Fujifilm FinePix S2800), but it has a great range of zoom – I use zoom in almost every picture. It’s not a DSLR camera (too expensive for that moment) and it was a gift from my mom. 🙂 All the pictures, at any ISO, contain a lot of grains but I kinda started to enjoy this! Now I got myself a Canon 600D 18-55mm, but I haven’t use yet. Pictures soon 🙂

  6. Ah… your pics are always fantastic and I’m looking forward to seeing the DSLR photos! Thanks for your prompt response, and for the follow and likes 🙂

    1. Hey Kan! Just to let you know that I’ve made my very first post using my new DSLR camera! I’m happy about the results, but I’m completely sure already that I MUST buy some extra lenses 😀 Looking forward to see more of your shots!

      1. Great pics. I know what you mean about the lenses! I got an entry level Nikon, and immediately was like I need more lenses… the kit lens isn’t useful for much. Then I realized the lenses are more expensive than the camera 😦

      2. Lol, you are right… Yesterday I was making a research on it, and I got quite sad 😛 The problem of the lens in the kit is that they are never bigger than 18-55mm f/4, which doesn’t provide you zoom or a good aperture. But this is the beauty of life, to conquer things slowly 😉

  7. Ola! Your photos are wonderful and your blog is truly inspiring. I wish you all the best with your new job…just please make sure you have time to send us more photos:o)

    1. Hi Nancy! What a lovely comment! Thank you so much for taking your time and dropping by here! 🙂 I’m glad you like it and I’m working hard to make it even better. Keep following!

  8. Lovely to read a bit about you Thatiana. 🙂 You’ve got a wonderful blog here with great positive energy and beautiful photos! I think traveling and getting to know different countries and cultures is really great and fascinating. I’ll be following your journeys. 🙂

  9. What an adventure! Wonderful that you took that leap and “flew!” I am interested in following your “moments.” I have spent some time in Europe but not enough. Hope we can add some more adventures soon. Ciao! Gail

    1. Hi Gail! Many thanks for stopping by here! I am so glad you like it, cause everything I post here is unpretentious. As I said before this adventure just came to me by chance, but I’m doing my best to enjoy every little minute of it. Thank you again!

      1. haha nope your pics are too big (not to forget text as well) and they are actually much more better visible on this large screen lol wait you have a simple camera? I like your sense of humor lol 😛

  10. Excellent work of photography. Congratulations. It was nice to see you’re Brazilian. 😎

    We’re 5 IT professionals trying to create an amateur blog on culture. We’re all very fond of photography and will certainly comment about your work real soon.

    Thanks for sharing. Success in your masters. #Happy2014

  11. Loved your blog and in-depth details present in your visuals. Truly says that you are enjoying every moment of it. Wish to travel to Italy someday. From now on, will be following your blog which is also a “visual treat” 🙂

    1. This is such a compliment… Thank you! Put Italy on your travel plans as soon as possible and you’ll be delighted by its unique architecture, food and people. For those in love with small details to shoot, this is the perfect place to get some “visual treat”. Thank you again 🙂

      1. Believe me I am not exaggerating 🙂 I am new to wordpress and I was going through lots of blogs. Yours is one of the most interesting blogs I came across recently.

    1. Thank you so much! I still miss Germany in my adventures, but since I have a special feeling for this country, I’m waitin for some big holidays or vacations in order to go there 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

  12. Hi Thatiana. I’ve been following you for a little while and would like to do an interview with you for my column on ‘The Displaced Nation’ but can’t find you email address. If you are interested in exploring the idea please email me. Best wishes James

    1. Hi James, I feel extremely honoured to be part of your column. Thank you very much for this opportunity! I can’t find your e-mail either (I’m in my phone, so maybe that’s the reason). Please write me on my email thatianaterra@gmail.com and we can talk better. Hope to hear from you soon! Best, Thatiana

      1. Don’t worry I have noticed a couple of blogger that I follow suddenly go quiet – Or rather they disappeared from my follow list. No idea how it happened and put it down as a glitch. The good thing is you are here again. I like persistence 😃

      2. It happens also to me – some people just disapear! One thing that is really common for me is that some people that I follow are never shown in my Reader page. As a consequence, I end up not seeing their blogs as often as I wanted. This is annoying! Does it happen to you?

  13. Looks like you have a great blog here. Glad to see you’re Brazilian. I’m Canadian, but have lived in Brazil for 12 years. Então, claro que eu tenho que escrever um pouco em Português pra vc ver.

      1. Na verdade, eu ainda moro aqui no Brasil. Em Vitoria da Conquista, BA. Porem, quando mudei para ca, eu morei em Contagem, MG. Só faz 3 anos que estou na Bahia.

  14. Haha, good! I tried to change it many times, and I still didn’t figure out how to fix it. However, by reading your comment, I guess I’m leaving it like this, at least I can teach a little bit of Portuguese to someone 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

  15. Oi Thatiana, sobrevolando el cyber espacio he llegado aquí. Me atrajo aquello de no atar tus alas 🙂 Que lindo tener sueños y realizarlos y te felicito por tu viaje y Maestría (en que campo si me permites un poco de curiosidad?) Bien, aqui en Canada es ya hora de ir a soñar! que tengas un buen dia!

  16. A very nice blog you have ©Thatiana Terra, Thank you for sharing your travelling, living experiences in Europe, I moved to Paris to live for nearly 2 year and im eager to discover more about Europe

    1. Thank you! Sharing Europe is something that naturally comes out, given such interesting people, beautiful places and rich details. You’re lucky to be living in Paris, it must be magical!

  17. Thatiana, your photos are amazing! Thank you for the comment on my blog that led me here. I look forward to following you on your adventures 🙂

  18. Dear follower of former Coralynx’Blog,
    Coralynxblog has moved to a new domain, it can still be found on the old address (for now) but doesn’t work anymore in your wordpress-reader. I am very sorry for this problem. To continue following my blog:

    Go to the new domain: http://www.freecarnation.com
    and press follow.
    You can also find links to follow the blog through Facebook, twitter, bloglovin’ and other social media.

    Kind regards from your blogster,

  19. Thatiana, I found you because of your “room” entry for the Weekly Photo Challenge and now I’m here to stay 🙂 Wonderful photos, entertaining blog, can’t wait to follow along on your adventures!

    1. Stacy, that’s so good to hear! Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m glad you came till here and opened my way to your blog too – I can already see you do an amazing job 😉 Let’s keep in touch!

  20. Hi Thatiana, I love your blog and I’ve nominated you for the ‘Very Inspiring Blogger’ award! If you would like to participate, you’ll find the details on my page 🙂 Caitlin x

  21. Hello Thatiana,

    Thanks a lot for stopping by my blog and I really feel nice to find you here.

    Enjoyed your posts and your photographs are really top class.

    Let me follow your adventures 🙂

    Have a greta time with your studies and photographic adventures…

    1. Hi Sreejith, thank you for such kind words!
      You do a great job in your blog and it feels really nice to have found you too!
      I will keep following your steps as well.
      Thank you!

  22. Hello there! I was picked by a fellow blogger for his Virtual Blog Tour: the idea is that a blogger introduces three of his or her favourite blogs and answers one or two fast questions about his or her creative process. The Virtual Blog Tour post appears on Monday — the post that introduced me appeared just today and the link is here: http://ronovanwrites.wordpress.com/2014/06/30/virtual-blog-tour-the-talented-and-then-me/.

    Next Monday, my own Virtual Blog Tour post will appear — and I’d like to introduce your blog along with two others. I hope you’re OK with being introduced this way — and I’d be happy if you could join in the Virtual Blog Tour the week after that. This would give you two weeks from today to prepare your post. I hope you’ll join in, but of course it’s OK if you don’t feel like it 🙂

  23. Hi Thatiana,

    Thank you so much for stopping by at my blog, I am glad you did that as it led me to yours beautiful blog. And believe me when I was browsing through your pictures the only thing I was saying is Wow, Wow, Wow. You have a great eye for the street and people around.

    I am very much delighted to follow you on your journey.


    1. Now it’s my turn to say “Wow”, Aanchal. Your comment makes me so happy and I’m very glad you like what have been posted here! I will be following you too, because you also do a great job!

  24. Thank you for stopping by and liking my blog, Everyone Has a Story, Thatiana! I’ve loved browsing your fascinating blog, reading the articles, and seeing your beautiful black and white photos.

  25. Interested and intrigued by your blog – from the title to photos! Looking forward to your next posts. Please follow back if you will. Thank you!

  26. Salute Thatiana,

    Quite a lovely blog you have! And quite an introduction you wrote 🙂 What is the truth you are looking for? I hope to find out more on your blog!

    Have a safe journey in life!

    Warm greetings,

  27. Never read a better intro Thatiana Terra… beautiful thoughts … I believe in a lot of what u do too… It’s my pleasure you checked out my blog …keep visiting girl!!!

    1. Hi Kan, thank you for the nomination. This means a lot to be, and being a source of inspiration to you makes me happy 🙂 Congratulations for the great writing and picture!

  28. Thatiana, I just found your blog from a followed link. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and travels.

  29. Great blog, love how you capture small things, places and moments which everyone pass by during their chaotic schedule. Keep it up, its the small things that bring the greatest happiness and lot of the times these small things are what gets left in the corner.

  30. You sound like my mother. She had a near death experience when very young, and it’s left her with pretty much the same outlook on life.

    You have my attention. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

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